Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Causes of joint pain

Does Your Joints Hurt?

If the answer is yes, then you are actually one of the thousands of people suffering from pain in the joints whether it is in the arms or the lower extremities. This is actually one of the common complaints among those in the working age and the elderly.

A joint refers to the area where two bones convene and facilitates the movement of the body part and composed of structures such as cartilage (serves as the cushion pad), ligaments (serves as adhesive between bones), tendons (adhere muscles to the joints), bursae (sacs filled with fluid), and synovial fluid and the membrane (lubricant) wherein irritation or inflammation to any of these would result to sensation of pain or soreness over the joints.

The causes of joint pain may be the result of trauma or direct injury such as overuse, sprains or strains, dislocation, separation of joints, torn structures may it be ligament or cartilage and inappropriate body mechanics. Infectious conditions such as osteomyelitis, syphilis or hepatitis among others while immunologic changes such as psoriasis, Sjogren’s syndrome or lupus may also lead to pain in the joints. Additional causes of joint pain may also be degenerative in nature like arthritis may it be any type from gouty, osteoarthritis to rheumatoid or maybe chronic ones such as malignancies or genetic conditions like hemophilia and Paget’s disease.

A method commonly used in  identifying the causes of joint pain easily is through knowing the onset of pain sensation wherein acute and abrupt pain resulting from mild reasons such as overuse or injury-related causes while chronic, recurrent or persistent joint pain are manifestations of more serious conditions such as malignancies, arthritis or other medical conditions.

Being able to identify the causes of joint pain is important not only in knowing the condition of the individual but also because treatment and management of the pain depends on its cause.
If you have some problems with health see also our blog to learn some more details about Normal White Blood Cell Count.